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Realize the network connectivity solutions needed today to support the tools of tomorrow.

Technology continues to create new learning and teaching opportunities to meet the demands of today’s ‘connected’ classroom, but the rapid rate at which technology advances can also make it difficult for education establishments to seamlessly keep up. Challenges like budget constraints and integration policies make it difficult for education entities to stay ahead of the IT infrastructure requirements needed to be competitive in a new digital era.

It is critical for colleges, universities, and K-12 institutions to maintain a secure, reliable, and flexible network environment, capable of keeping pace with the ever-increasing bandwidth demand to sustain an edge in the market. Colleges and universities in particular, need increased bandwidth to deliver a premium educational experience, accommodate students’ many connected devices, and support advanced research.

Pivotal Optics’ engineers have experience working in education environments, supporting both new build outs and helping to maximize existing fiber optic infrastructure. Our team will work alongside you to realize effective network solutions capable of meeting both current and future student and administrative requirements. We also ensure that our transceiver solutions integrate into your existing network platforms to eliminate interoperability challenges as you grow and evolve.

The Pivotal product line enables education providers to deliver flexible, reliable, and fiscally responsible network solutions to support the ever-growing network demand of their student and faculty population.