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Ensure critical network reliability with secure and affordable solutions that integrate seamlessly into your existing network.

Government entities have become reliant on technology to the public sector and its citizens, and there’s often little to no room for network error or downtime. Public Sectors are utilizing real-time operations and artificial intelligence to be more responsive to citizens and businesses. Applications are hosted in both premise-based and public cloud data centers.

In many instances, users are remotely connecting to applications and data through both wired and wireless technologies and requiring increased bandwidth for video applications. This new, dynamic environment continues to place significant demands on State, Local, and Federal public sector IT environments where budgets are stretched thin.

Pivotal Optics’ engineers have experience working with mission-critical public sector entities to safely and securely upgrade their networks and maximize existing fiber optic infrastructure to meet both current and future data needs. We also ensure that our solutions integrate into your existing network platforms to eliminate interoperability challenges as you grow and evolve.

Our products offer diverse speeds, drive distances, fiber optic maximization, and network protocols support needed to deliver the broad range of services needed. We offer cutting-edge transceiver technology, as well as an extensive range of DACs and AOCs at significant savings.

The Pivotal product line enables government entities to deliver reliable and fiscally responsible network solutions.